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An obsession with pornography can have far reaching effects on physical health and emotional well-being, not to mention the time and money that’s invested into the habit.

From hormonal adolescents to curious adults, everyone has at some point in their lives watched pornography, at times, to even just let off some steam. But the warning bell should sound when occasional viewing turns into an all consuming pastime.

You know you are an addict when you want to stop watching porn, but you cannot. One is aware of all the consequences – yet the compulsion is so strong that one cannot function, if they don’t give into that desire.

Experts list out six indications that you may be addicted to porn:
1. You spend more than ten hours a week watching pornography
2. You have problems getting an erection or ejaculating, or having normal sexual intercourse with your partner.
3. You plan your day around your watching porn
4. You choose watching porn over meeting friends and family
5. Watching porn is your go-to recreational activity, something that tides you over boredom and gives you a lift when you are feeling low
6. You constantly reprimand yourself for watching porn

An obsession with pornography can have far reaching effects on physical health and emotional well-being, not to mention the time and money that’s invested into the habit. Porn addicts have complained of exhaustion, numbness and about the mind being in overdrive. With constant porn watching, even after you have switched off your laptop, your mind still reels from all the visual stimuli you have ingested.

Your libido goes for a toss

If a person has spent hours watching graphic sexual content and drawing sexual gratification from it, they will have virtually no desire to have sex with their partner. Having already spent their sexual energy in front of a computer, they are not aroused by their partners anymore. This often leads to conflict in the relationship.

Loss of work days

As with any other addiction, a lot of time and energy is expended. A lot of people bunk work regularly to indulge in their addiction.

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